Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Welcome Ian!

Ian Adam Connor
   Well, we did it!  Although my Mom's ESP was sending out 'something is up' signals from the USA and she did mention, after the fact, that I WAS looking a bit heavy on some of those blog photos, Ian Adam Connor arrived - with record speed and WITHOUT that much requested epidural - at 1:43 PM Queensland time, on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 weighing in at a whopping (for me) 3.7kgs / 8 lbs 3 ozs and measuring 51 cms. 

"We'll take those pain meds to go." said Damon on the way home. 

With happy siblings

Our little rocket man arrived moments after Brisbane Royal Hospital decided I really DID need a birth suite.  At 1:25 I was 4 cms and anxiously awaiting that epidural.  (Because, nitrous oxide, my friends, is a recreational drug, not a pain killer!  Nice buzz.  But it still hurt.) 

At 1:43 I had a baby.  Um.  Very nice and all that but....did someone FORGET THE EPIDURAL?!

When the midwives start looking like teenagers...
Blog obviously to follow. 

In the meantime, we snuck little Ian into the world at large, but to much fanfare among his siblings and our friends/family here in the area, all who have been anxiously waiting to meet Connor #5, and Boy #4.  (Ryan, thanks for asking, is THRILLED with ANY baby.  We are co-mothering, and I couldn't do evenings without her!)

Not enough Ian to go around

Without further ado:  what you REALLY tuned in for.  PHOTOS!

Dad in the birth suite

Look!  Mommy made us a doll.

Aidan and Ian

Matthew and Ian.

Andrew and Ian


Ryan CANNOT WAIT her turn!

Ryan and Ian.  She's in love, boy or not.

It's all right Ian.  Ryan's gotcha.

Sisterly love

Dad FINALLY gets a cuddle too!

So far, it's been easy.  You have to remember, I had Andrew.  And then the twins.  So that this little guy, as easy-going as his sister was, is a piece of cake.  He was up the first night - supposedly nothing unusual for babies who shoot into the world as fast as he did - a bit of a shock for him as well as me!  But, has been sleeping in 3 - 4 hour stints ever since.  (Andrew, for his part, slept through the first night and then didn't sleep for 2 1/2 years after that, so I really wasn't worried!)

Yes, it's all-consuming.  But what a joy to be consumed - and able to meet - the needs of ONE baby after flailing about helplessly 5 years ago trying to even adequately meet the needs of two.

And the siblings help.  Hint for that last baby: have an older daughter around to help out!

We did it!  World...Ian.


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